Similar to Hamachi, Comodo EasyVPN can do the same but with more possibilities. I personally use it for connecting with people to game. The personal free version of Hamachi only lets about 15 people and you will not be able to join the network anymore. This is truly annoying when you log into the network and reinstall your OS, and find yourself that you can’t connect because the Hamachi network is full…
However, with Comodo EasyVPN, you can invite and have a network full of people. There isn’t any restrictions of the people allowed as far as I know. One is also able to communicate with others in the network via instant message chat system. Like Hamachi, you will get a personalized IP, and you shouldn’t have any problems with any port forward or firewall problems.
Some other cons to Hamachi is that the install can be annoying. Sometimes you would have to restart the tunneling system if you find yourself unable to connect to the server. Then one would have to do a clean install and reinstall it and hope that it works. With Comodo EasyVPN the install is easy, there aren’t any headaches with going onto a server, AND its reported that it is faster than Hamachi in terms of stability.
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